ATR offers Schott Duran borosilicate glass pipeline having many advantages to the end-user, two of which can be singled out as having made a particular contribution to the growing use of these products in the chemical, pharmaceutical and nuclear industries:
Taking as a common basis the advantages of DURAN borosilicate glass as a material of construction and the use of the modular construction system, ATR has developed pipeline systems from which user can select the components providing the best technical and most economical solution for their particular applications.
ATR pipelines are predominantly used for drain lines and ventilation lines in chemical and pharmaceutical plants, universities and polytechnics, commercial kitchens, airports, hospitals and nuclear installations.
All components in the pipeline system are corrosion resistant to all organic and inorganic process fluids, the only exception being hydrofluoric acid and fluorides, glacial boiling phosphoric acid and alkalies at high temperature and concentrations.
The maximum operating temperature is 200 deg C. The maximum rapid change in temperature of the process fluids is 120 K .
All components are suitable for full vacuum, and can take a positive pressure of 0.5 bar.
The most important glass pipeline components over the range 15mm to 150mm are specified in DIN ISO 3587 (BS 2598 part 3). This gives the user a guarantee that components are interchangeable and compatible when a consistent glass flange system is used.