Glass Venturi Scrubber is a device which allows intimate mixing of liquid and gas thereby achieving the purpose of scrubbing / absorption.
Another application is venture scrubbers are also very effective in removing dust particles from the gas. Where higher removal efficiencies are required multi stage venture scrubbers are also used. Substantial heat is generated during absorption. Suitable heat exchangers have to be installed in the system which we can supply.
The most efficient and suitable equipment for this purpose is Falling Film Absorber. This equipment can do dual job of absorption as well as removal of heat of absorption. The venture scrubber then act like second stage scrubber and also imparts draft (negative pressure). Venturi Scrubber can also be incorporated with packed column absorber as second stage scrubber. With glass venture scrubber, a system can always be designed to meet any stringent Pollution Control Board norms for air quality.
Individual off- the-shelf units are available in 3 sizes. Gas suction capacity:
Negative pressure created normally is 150 mm Hg. Special design scrubbers for higher capacities and or higher negative pressures are also available. Glass Venturies for applications other than absorption can also be designed. Complete turn-key plants incorporating Venturi Scrubbers are engineered and supplied by ATR.